Best Treatment for Plantar Fasciitis
Can Plantar Fasciitis healed by Physiotherapy? In the realm of foot afflictions that frequent physiotherapy clinics, plantar fasciopathy—a condition commonly known as plantar fasciitis—stands out as a prevalent concern. This condition is characterised by aching discomfort beneath the heel and sole of the foot, reminiscent of the sharp sting when stepping on a rock, particularly […]
Rotator Cuff Recovery: Starting Physio Your Journey for Shoulder Pain
Rotator Cuff Recovery: Starting Physio Your Journey for Shoulder Pain Logan Physio specialises in Shoulder pain solutions for rotator cuff recovery. Rotator Cuff injuries are quite common. It can hinder your daily activities and impact your quality of life. At Logan Physiotherapy, we specialise in rotator cuff recovery and are dedicated to providing top-notch shoulder […]
Understanding Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo – BPPV
What Is Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV)? Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo or BPPV is a common disorder of the inner ear which causes episodes of dizziness or vertigo. Within our inner ear is our vestibular or balance system. The vestibular system detects gravity, movement and motion and aids us to maintain correct balance. The two […]
How Do You Treat Achilles Tendinitis?
Achilles Tendinitis – common cause of pain and discomfort in the musculatory structure of the heel know as the “Achilles Tendon”. The Achilles tendon bears the weight of our every stride. However, when this vital tendon begins to protest. This condition, now often referred to as tendinopathy, tendinitis or tendinosis, is underscored by an irritation […]
Understanding Fibromyalgia
Fibromyalgia is a chronic disorder characterised by widespread pain, tenderness, fatigue, and sleep disturbances. While the exact cause is not fully understood, individuals with fibromyalgia typically exhibit heightened sensitivity to pain. Management and Treatment Although there is no cure for fibromyalgia, symptoms can be managed with a multidisciplinary approach that often includes exercise, psychological therapy, […]
Urinary Incontinence: Diagnosis and Consecutive Management
Urinary incontinence is a common yet often underreported issue affecting many individuals, particularly women. Proper diagnosis and management are crucial in improving patients’ quality of life. This blog outlines the steps for taking a history, assessing severity, and implementing effective management strategies for various types of urinary incontinence. Taking History and Examining the Patient A […]
Unlocking the Core: A Deeper Dive into Core Strength & Stability
Amid the myriad of questions that echo through physiotherapy clinics, one recurring query takes centre stage—the enigma of core stability. What exactly is core stability, and why does it hold such significance in the realm of physical well-being? Let’s embark on a journey to unravel the essence of core stability and explore the transformative impact […]
What to do for an ankle sprain?
An ankle twist might seem like a trivial blip on the journey of life—until you’ve experienced one. The sharp, immediate pain that shoots through your foot when you take a misstep is more than just a minor inconvenience; it’s one of the most common injuries treated in physiotherapy clinics, and it’s not taken lightly among […]
Understanding Bone Health and Osteoporosis: A Comprehensive Guide
Bones, the sturdy framework that supports our bodies, are often overlooked until something goes wrong. Among the various bone diseases, osteoporosis stands out as one of the most prevalent and potentially debilitating conditions, particularly in older adults. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the intricacies of bone health, the insidious nature of osteoporosis, and […]
Navigating the 1-2 Month Milestones after a Plantar Fascia Tear
Plantar fascia tears are like uninvited roadblocks on the path to athletic endeavours and everyday mobility, but with the right management, the road to recovery can be smooth and sure. Sandy from Logan Physio shares his progress from the one-month mark to close to two months post-injury, providing insight into the healing journey and the […]