Stick Shoulder Extension

I love this exercise and find it really helpful to work on extension in the upper back and shoulders for people who find themselves in fixed postures at work. It’s simple and easy and all you need to do is grab a ruler, stick, broom, tie, anything really that you can hold behind your back with 2 hands. Stand tall with your chest out and stick held behind you with both hands. Keep the chest out and shoulder blades back and down as you take your arms back as far as possible. You may feel a little stretch through the chest and biceps and a little stiffness or pinch in your upper bac kas the shoulder blades are squeezed together. Hold this position for 3 seconds and repeat 5-10x.


I love this exercise and find it really helpful to work on extension in the upper back and shoulders for people who find themselves in fixed postures at work. It’s simple and easy and all you need to do is grab a ruler, stick, broom, tie, anything really that you can hold behind your back with 2 hands. Stand tall with your chest out and stick held behind you with both hands. Keep the chest out and shoulder blades back and down as you take your arms back as far as possible. You may feel a little stretch through the chest and biceps and a little stiffness or pinch in your upper bac kas the shoulder blades are squeezed together. Hold this position for 3 seconds and repeat 5-10x.

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