Current guidelines recommend simple first line care for the first week or two.
Simple first line care consists of:
- Avoid prolonged bed-rest
- Encourage movement – stay active and return to normal activities as soon as possible
- Exercise- get moving!
- Reassurance of recovery- don’t stress, the majority of cases of low back pain recover within a few months
- Radiology is not usually required
Second line care is recommended if symptoms persist past the 1-2 week point and consists of:
- Manual therapy
- Use of NSAIDS
- Graded activity programs
- Specific movement programs
So, if your problem has persisted for 1-2 weeks without settling book an appointment with your physiotherapist.
In chronic/complex cases the following are also recommended:
- Cognitive behavioural therapy
- Multidisciplinary team involvement
- Pain neuroscience education
- Self-management strategies
- Pain management program