Do you understand what you have been told about your problem/injury/pain?

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The Enduring Impact of What Clinicians Say to People with Low Back Pain” is an article I recently read and has some interesting insight into what patients understand about their problem and the impact that has on their lives and rehabilitation. The article says that people do listen to their health care professionals about their problem, but the problem is that their healthcare professionals can be ill-informed about their problem or the prognosis of that problem.

It is great to listen to your healthcare professional, but what if what they say is wrong or ill-informed. Things I have heard over the years are “your back is screwed”, “I can’t do surgery on your back”, “your problem means you won’t be able to work again”, “your disc problem is bad”; all things that were said in good faith but are often caught up in slang and not meant to mean what is said.

In most cases, if a surgeon doesn’t want to do surgery it is because, you don’t need surgery, not that you are too bad for surgery, but I would have heard that hundreds of times in practice. It becomes very important that you learn about your problem, your possible prognosis and what has been most beneficial for your problem.

At Logan Physio, with our experienced staff, constant continual clinical development and structure to our consults we are well-placed to identify your core problem and create a treatment plan that best suits your circumstances.

This article indicates the importance of clinical excellence and clinical knowledge to identify and diagnose your problem, accurately describing this problem to you to ensure you are aware of your diagnosis and prognosis. This will then allow you to undergo the correct treatment pathway to get the best result possible for you.

If you are looking for an accurate diagnosis and prognosis with the best possible outcome, make sure you understand your problem and all of the treatment options available and what the likelihood of their success is.

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